Id This Fish Please


New Member
May 21, 2014
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im new here with this being my first post but am hoping to become an active member of the community and hopefully learn a few things as i go along.
i currently have a breeding pair of gourami both about 5 inches in length that i brought for a great price. the problem is i dont know what type of gourami they are 
please help 
this fish is more pink than in the picture and dosnt seem to be a kissing gourami
To me it looks like a golden gourami, but essentially it's a variant of some kind of the Trichogaster trichopterus or three spot gourami.
thanks for the reply 
i just got rid of some golden gourami and they seemed a lot darker than these but also had the tiger stripe pattern at the top of body along spine
what type of money do these sell for as 5 inch breeding pairs (making sure i got a good deal)
The three spot group come in a variety of colour morphs. Blue and golden are much the same. It's similar to angelfish having a variety of colour and pattern types available.
Can't help you much on price, I haven't bought any gouramis for years.
Could it be a lavendar gourami? Still a color variant of the 3-spot but I had not heard of this coloration until I looked at my LFS's wholesaler website a while back.
It looks like a Three Sport Gourami to me as well, either a Lavender or Platinum color variety.
EDIT:  And it's def. a male

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