Id These Fish Please

The December FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Jan 4, 2013
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I'm having trouble tracking down these fella's that I bought from my LFS a few months back. They are the size of a cardinal tetra, have neon green eyes and a green body. Some of them have a blue stripe down their body in the same place a cardinal tetra would have an orange one. Unlike normal tetras they have really beautiful black and green 'feathered' fins that they spike up when they get teritorial.



After all this you're probably going to say that they are really common, but I can't find them on google images or anywhere!
Might be Rainbow Celebes.  I was admiring some in the lfs recently.
Looks like you got it in one. Now I'm off to get some more. Thanks :)
Celebes Rainbowfish, they should reach ~7cm SL, suitable for tanks at least 90x30x30cm. In a small group of 6, they tend to do better with two females per male, in a more ideal group of 10+ the sex ratio can be more equal.
Yep, Celebes Rainbowfish(Marosatherina ladigesi) :) They are beautiful fish and I would love some but I unfortunately no longer own a 3ft tank to keep them in :lol:

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