Id Skin/fin Disorder--Halfbeak


New Member
Apr 5, 2013
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Hi Folks,  I hope you might help me ID this issue with my halfbeak.  here are the details:

It is now 6 days since I transferred my livestock from a crowded 70 gal to a new 220. Transfered fitlers too, 3 fluval 405s fully cycled, and the substrate/decor from the old set up (right before fish).   Also transfered about 45 gal of old tank water to new tank just before transfering the fish.  New setup also has a 55 gal sump.

Before the transfer, i ran the new tank & sump for a week  with dechlorinated water and carbon in sump filtration.  (Before that i ran it for 3 days before doing a 100% water change)

from day 1, Params good: 0 ammonia & nitrites; about 10 nitrates (as of today); ph 7.4 both old and new tank.  Temp 77, old and new tanks.

All seemed to be doing well, except a large 4" celebes halfbeak. On day 3 she developed several largish (5mm) irregular shaped white patches on the skin. They are not cottony. They look more like 'blisters', but they are not raised, so i dont think there is any fluid therein. There is also some fin deterioration.

I have attached a pic.

There are no new tankmates for many months now--all live in relative harmony and made the transfer from old to new, with no casualities.

Since noticing the halfbeak issue, I am dosing the whole tank with seachem paraguard--20 capfulls each morning based on directions of  one capful for each 10 gal of water.  Carbon removed from filters. I am on the 2nd day of treatment (about to do 3rd treatment), condition is not worse, but not better. Fish eats and appears behaviorally normal.

Could it just be abrasion from the transfer?  Transfer went from old tank to 5 gal bucket of 50% old water-50% new water for 20 minutes, then into the new tank.
There was no sign of this issue on day1 or day2.
Any thoughts?

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