Ichthyophthirius Multifilis


Fish Fanatic
Jun 3, 2012
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Hey guys and gals, I was just recently giving my fish tank a water change vacuuming the gravel etc. Once I finished with all that I decided to just stare at my fish to see how they were doing making sure nothing was wrong and I noticed one of my red platys went close to a rock I have and tried to scratch himself on it. I think I also saw my panda platy do it too :sad: , I've just recently started reading on ich to see what I can do to stop it but by the looks of it I can only kill the free swimming ones. I was wondering if any of you guys have any advice on what to do. First time I've had this problem and I want to make sure I do it right! :lol: Thanks!
Kordon Ich Attack. Works awesome, no harm to live plants or inverts. All natural.
Thanks, I'll make sure I get it today to get it started. Should I do anything special to the tank or filter? Replace it or give the tank daily water changes?
Have you actually seen whitespots on the fish?
Are the fish flashing a lot or have you only seen them do it the once?
It's not uncommon to see fish flash immediately after a water change it may just be that.
I haven't seen any white spots on my fish they are all their normal color. I've my panda play do it once or twice but sorta ignored it :crazy: . But now that I saw my red platy do it got a little worried. Didn't think it was anything bad but I recently decided to look into ich since people said its very common in fish aquariums and after I saw my red platy do it I thought I might have it.

Edit: I went to look at my fish and I can see some white things on my silver mollies tails and on some of my platys. Nothing on their bodies (I think)
Flashing can be a sign of many things.
They may just have an itch!
Test your water, make sure you are within acceptable limits.
If you have only seen them flash once or twice and you have just done a water change I would just keep an eye on them for a day or two to see if it gets worse, more fish are affected or whitespots appear.

Do they look like grains of salt?
I just saw one of my darker red platys and they have this little white spot on the end of his tail and also a little by his dorsal fin. I've seen them do it before just never thought it was anything serious. This is probably when my paranoia kicks in xD.
I have some fry in a mash net in that tank would that harm them in any way? The medication?

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