

Fish Crazy
Apr 26, 2012
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On one of my new Platys there are a lot of raised, fuzzy, white lumps. She's having a hard time swimming, and her fins are slightly clamped. I had ich once before, and it showed all the same symptoms except it was more of a dust, instead of bumps.
Now it's started spreading to my others, which is part of the reason I think it's ich. I have a few different medication options. Maracide, Coppersafe, and Ick Guard (which has a warning on the label: Do not use on Scaleless, weak, sensitive, or small fish. This is the tank with the Pleco, and a very young platy.) What should I do?

is this mardel coppersafe? i have it and i used it on my fish when they had ick, and the ick was gone in 3 days!
Okay, it's showing all the same signs as ich last time I had it, except it's raised fuzzy spots, so it's possible. Thanks.

Yes, it is Mardel coppersafe. It's also Mardel Maracide, which got rid of the ich on my Betta within two days!
I've become a fan of Mardel. I think if it is a fungus that I'll be going to get Maroxy, or Maracyn.
I decided I'm going to get Maracyn, because it can also treat Ich, so whether it's Ich, or fungus it will be cured using Maracyn. I have to go to the store to get plants for my 55 gallon anyways!
that will be a lot of plants! i hate getting supplies for a new tank, it is so expencive! i would love a 55 gal though! you are so lucky
I'm getting free Java Fern, so that'll cut down the cost a little. I'm really lucky, I'm getting the tank free :) Was supposed to get it yesterday, but they forgot about it, so Most likely around Tuesday, or sometime the week after...
Sometimes instead of adding a whole bunch of (expensive) meds to a tank, doing frequent water changes would help clear things up on its own! Have you checked your water parameters to find a reason as to why your fish got sick?
I can't because the test kit I ordered hasn't come yet. I have been doing daily water changes though. I would've gotten the test kit sooner, but I got a new tank (with a filter) in a panic when my last male Betta got sick, because he tank didn't have a filter. Then when I went to a pet store to buy one they didn't stock master test kits, or even liquid ammonia test kits, so I had to order one.
I can't because the test kit I ordered hasn't come yet. I have been doing daily water changes though. I would've gotten the test kit sooner, but I got a new tank (with a filter) in a panic when my last male Betta got sick, because he tank didn't have a filter. Then when I went to a pet store to buy one they didn't stock master test kits, or even liquid ammonia test kits, so I had to order one.
Ah, that's good that you ordered it! How much water do you change and how big is your tank?
It's a 6.6 Gallon, I know for a fact it's overstocked right now, but I was supposed to only have this many fish in there for two weeks at most, then the people who were supposed to be bringing my 55 Gallon tank forgot it. I've been changing 4 1/2 gallons each change, because that's as much as I can change with the fish still in there. The fish who originally got sick is looking a little better, except a few little red streaks on her body. The biggest platy is starting to look really bad though.

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