
Keeping the water at a higher temp is a start. The parasite that causes ich becomes active when the temps dip below a certain level... but not sure what that is! I keep my water at 80F, and my fishies haven't had ich in years and years!
Faster temps mean higher faster metabolisms, bigger appetites, more breeding, more waste.

The only way to prevent outbreaks is to keep stress low and maintain good water quality. ich is always in the tank and only really harms fish when they get stressed out.
Raising the water is always a good idea to help the rate at which the ich disease will last, you may also want depending on how many fish are affected, im guessing depending on the time all of them may be because it is exposed throughout the water. What you also should consider is going to your local lfs and get some anti-parasite medication. I have used Mardel's coppersafe which seems to work out pretty well. All i am saying is that treating the water may not be good enough. Always treat the cause, instead of individual fish because you may be losing time.
The information provided by the other two are if you have ich.

You never told us if you have a problem or are just paranoid. :p

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