Ich Treatment Question!


Mostly New Member
Apr 28, 2014
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I have had an outbreak of ich in my tank. I started a treatment regime today and the instructions said I should remove the filter media... My questions are:

- do I need to keep the filter media wet or can they be exposed to air while outside the filters?

- my LFS said I should administer the medication (after removing the filters), leave the tank alone for a few hours and then replace the filters overnight to clean the water. How many hours should the filters be out after medicating before it's safe to add my filters back again?

- how soon do you typically see results from the medication?

55g cycled tank with 3 reg wag mollies, 5 barbs (3 tiger, 1 green, 1 albino... The albino and one of the tigers are presenting very subtle ich symptoms)

Thanks in advance for the help!
What medication are you using?
You'll want to keep the filter media wet/damp and oxygenated, so a bucket of dechlorinated water with an airstone would be good if you can do that. Or a tupperware container.
Did they mean replace the filter with new media or put the media you had back in? That is what contains your bacteria so you want to save it.
Kordon Ich Attack

I have a Tetra whisper -- I just removed both filter cartridges and put them in my water change bucket with about an inch of water from the tank and covered with a towel. They meant to keep the media (so I can keep all my beneficial bacteria)

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