hey guys i seen last night that my tetras and a few other fish but not all have ich esp the neons, i bought some waterlife protozin today and treated it also turned off the co2, is there anything else i can do or is it just a wating game now?
hey guys i seen last night that my tetras and a few other fish but not all have ich esp the neons, i bought some waterlife protozin today and treated it also turned off the co2, is there anything else i can do or is it just a wating game now?
Although it is true that a high temperature kills of ich (most of the time) i would absolutely recommend ich medication (personally i use Interpet) if you feel you want to as it is less stressful than bumping up temps to ridiculous levels (although it is of course useful to higher it a bit to decrease the life span of the parasite) as even some tropicals such as danio's and some killifish/barbs prefer cooler temperatures.
EDIT: Also beware of changing the temperature too quickly as it can shock fish, especially sensitive.
I have been lucky most of the time, i usually catch it early before it progresses so i just wait it out until it goes, usually a week or so. If it takes longer i would do a water change on the day you need to re-dose for it and wait a couple of hours after you finish before putting the medication in.