Ich In Treatment.

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Fish Gatherer
Apr 24, 2012
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I am currently treating ich in my platy tank (3 small adults and 1 month old fry).

Water parameters are stable.

The ich spots disappeared after the first two days of treatment and it is now day 5 into the treatment, so not quite finished yet.

I sort of expected them to be doing a bit better at this point, as any time I have had to treat my guppies or neons for ich it was clearly gone well before the end of the treatment.

But, my platies are still have stringy poops sometimes and one especially seems to clamp up off and on during the day, which concerns me.

Should I be worried? Could there be something else going on as well?

Also, in case it is somehow relevant and upsetting my fish. My aquarium light bulb burnt out and I only have the moonlight blue light to use until the other light arrives (which I had to order special).
PrairieSunflower said:
I am currently treating ich in my platy tank (3 small adults and 1 month old fry).

Water parameters are stable.

The ich spots disappeared after the first two days of treatment and it is now day 5 into the treatment, so not quite finished yet.

I sort of expected them to be doing a bit better at this point, as any time I have had to treat my guppies or neons for ich it was clearly gone well before the end of the treatment.

But, my platies are still have stringy poops sometimes and one especially seems to clamp up off and on during the day, which concerns me.

Should I be worried? Could there be something else going on as well?

Also, in case it is somehow relevant and upsetting my fish. My aquarium light bulb burnt out and I only have the moonlight blue light to use until the other light arrives (which I had to order special).
Just out of curiosity what meds have you been using as i currently have ich and dont know which treatment to use.
I use Interpet White Spot since I have trouble finding the others that people on the board use, and I add a bit of salt (which isn't recommended for all fish types so if you try salt be sure you have the right kind of fish first).
I have had luck in my planted tanks treating with products that only contain malachite green and formalin, (rid ich, quick cure). Formalin is supposed to be safe for plants. I usually turn the heat up pretty high to speed up the life cycle. Exactly how high would depend on the species you are treating. Be particularly careful with tetras. As for stringy poops that maybe a different problem/disease. I have found that food medicated with metronidazole works very well for the stringy poops. My fish prefer the kind that is premeditated not the stuff you have to soak yourself.
Right, so I've done the full weeks treatment for ich. All spots gone, no flashing. But there is still the occasional white poop. I did a full water change at the end of the treatment (I have a new thread out now about a platy with a white patch on the tail). Though my water stats remained good... my blue coral platy was clamping and another platy has a white patch on her tail. So I decided to treat them with Pimafix starting yesterday. I didn't expect it to do much, if anything, for my blue coral but she seems happier today. The platy with a white patch on its tail had the majority of that patch flake off a few hours after I added Pimafix... the patch is still there just a lot lighter looking now.... not too worried about the patch.

Am still concerned about the white stringy poop and the one platy that isn't all the way normal (not clamped but not fully expanded all the time).

Will have a look into that food idea.

Just adding... I do have tetra but they aren't in the tank with the platy.

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