Ich :/ Again


Fish Fanatic
Sep 29, 2012
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So Right now...

I have...

a 55 gallon tank with
3 platies, 3 black skirt tetras, 3 silver dollars, 2 blind cave tetras, 1 male guppy, 4 loaches, an african dwarf frog, 2 otocinclus, 3 neon tetras, 3 glow light tetras, and a baby snail in my tank.

I'm sure its ich no doubt about it right now its only visible on a silver dollar and two platies....

I know otos cant handle Rid-ich that well, and im assuming the ich came from transferring them... from a 10 gallon and a 5 gallon to a 55 gallon all together and cycling it all over again...

I'm not sure how the loaches will handle them or the snail...or the frog...

I guess what I am asking is the BEST solution to this problem... I used to have 3 otos but one died during the transfer, and I'm sure it died from stress and the temperature changes....

Oh and I'm going to get my water tested tomorrow, because Petsmart/Petco is closed... So until then BEST SOLUTION POSSIBLE?!
Many medications that can be used to erradicate ich are going to play merry hell with tetras, loaches and especially the frog.
In Australia I can get a product that I don't have to use at half strength for tetras, loaches or fry and I have found it to be shrimp safe. So any medication you do get be sure to read the instructions fully.

Ideally until you can get medication raise the water temp and put the frog in another tank away from the medication, only return the frog after the medication has run its course and you have done a large water change and put carbon filter back into the tank and its been running for a couple of days.
Or if you dont want to treat the entire tank but have a spare tank that you can set up as a hospital tank and put the affected fish in the hospital tank and treat them in there.
Many medications that can be used to erradicate ich are going to play merry hell with tetras, loaches and especially the frog.
In Australia I can get a product that I don't have to use at half strength for tetras, loaches or fry and I have found it to be shrimp safe. So any medication you do get be sure to read the instructions fully.

Ideally until you can get medication raise the water temp and put the frog in another tank away from the medication, only return the frog after the medication has run its course and you have done a large water change and put carbon filter back into the tank and its been running for a couple of days.
Or if you dont want to treat the entire tank but have a spare tank that you can set up as a hospital tank and put the affected fish in the hospital tank and treat them in there.

What are the reasons not to use most ich medications on tetras, loaches, and frogs? What will happen to them? Obviously the unavoidable death but how?
Basically they will be poisoned, especially the frog. Loaches have little or no scales basically just skin and the medications can be to extreme for their skin. Tetras I guess are just to suspectible to any water chemistery changes.

You can use medications on tetras loaches and fry but they usually need to be used at half doses.
Alright so i put enough ich medication for 20 gallons :eek: I hope this is okay ._.
I can't advise whether to treat or not medication sensitive fish, but if you go at half dose, you many need to do the treatment longer than the recommended dose and it still may not work. There are all type of medications for ich out there. Have you looked at Seachem Paraguard as a possible medication, it's ingredients are completely different than the normal ich medication. It absolutely doesn't harm the filter and it should be quite easy on fish like clown loaches, corydoras, not sure about frogs though. It needs dosing for about 2 to 3 weeks to be sure the ich will never return but I've used it, although a long time ago, but it was quite good.

There's a link below from Seachem's website forum where someone was using it with no side effects on clown loaches:

Well if you've already medicated the tank it's a bit late :/

Well I left the loaches in there and only put in 1/4th dosage my frog seems fine i took him and the two octos out and put them in a 5 gallon half full with the original water they were in and have been slowly adding water that sat out to acclimate to the temperature. They seem just fine... I don't see anythign wrong with the frog other than being a bit afraid when i come near to add in more water, but i think that's normal... I've been putting in 1/2 cups of water into the tank every two hours. I don't want to startle them too much because they might be stressed from all the transferring anyways. My frog is still young and i still see a little stub thing on it's butt... that used to be his tail. Though, I think that's out of context. ANYWAYS I've been changing the water and putting half doses in. On another note I don't have a heater... but they seem just fine... the ich outbreak isn't so severe just a small one. I caught it early, thank goodness. Just saw one or two specs on the fishes...possibly because I was watching them for an hour or two. I hope that's enough backround information, I don't know if it's all any useful.

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