I Want To Have Sand, Instead Of Gravel...


Fish Fanatic
Apr 12, 2005
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College Station & Huntsville, Texas
If I have the kind of filter that pulls the water up a tube, then pours it out the top like a waterfall, can I have sand instead of gravel?

Won't the sand get sucked up the filter and muck it all up?

On a tank like this:

It'll be fine. I have a similar filter and my tank has sand and I have no problems.
hey, I don't think you should have a turtle with your fish, if it gets bigger it migh eat one of the little ones and they make a lot of mess, meaning, they poo a lot more, they also chew your plants, you should get a more powerfull filter or move it somewere else.

My brother started with one turtle in my moms fish tank and we had to clean it more often, he had to put it at its own tank (and bought 6 more, hehehe :lol: )
Yeah probably not wise to have a turtle in there, I actually didn't look very close at the picture so I didn't see him :lol:
that was my old setup, in a 20 gallon...

i am just going to have some guorami in it...

that is the one i want to have sand in...

i have a turtle in a 55 gallon, with some native fish i caught... i have two 60 gallon filters running on that tank...

Be careful with a gourami setup, males don't get along well.
I once had a set up with a trickle filter and sand and rarely had problems. The only time I had any issues was when I had loaches who enjoyed stirring up the bottom a lot.
From looking at your profile, you have corys, gouramis, common plecs and a barb in with the game fish. You shouldn't mix tropicals and cold water fish as they are not compatible. Also, as small as corys are, they will eventually end up being lunch for either the sunfish, bluegill or the turtles.

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