I Want To Buy Plants For My New Aquarium - Any Suggestions?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 12, 2012
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I want to buy plants not to only add aesthetics but also to help with the cycling process.. Which plants should I get that do not require huge amounts of light and can feed off from "Aqueon Aquarium Plant Food"?

I saw the following plants that I liked, will they do?:
Anubias lanceolata
Cryptocoryne wendtii "Green"
Anubias nana

any other recommendations are welcome, just not something rare but something that can be found in local pet stores such as petco and petsmart.
Most Echinodorus will be fine, also anything with Microsorum in the title.
riccia if your wanting is a carpet it go's a little leggy in lower light but still looks good (iv found) or java moss

im selling some riccia on here if your interested :good:
I love the good ol' anacharis. Grows so easy and a nice vivid see through green. I have platy so i plant them and leave them floating for fry. Java moss is super nice and easy, too. Both these basically need no care other than what a standard aquarium with fish will already provide!
Anubias should be fine. Only problem is they grow rather slowly so can be outcompeted by algae if you have problems that way. On the plus side, they are happy in fairly low light conditions and don't need any specialised equipment.
Anubias is a great choice, since they grow best when the light is subdued. If you place your Anubias in a spot that receives a lot of light, algae can start growing on the leaves.

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