I Want To Buy A Laptop - Please Advise!

I'm thick as well when it comes to stuff like this.
We had a pc and a laptop both wireless and all I did was slot that card thing that it shows you on the bt site into the lap top, i was mad only bought that card thing and the lap top broke two weeks later.
You still need that box thing you plug in, you can go in the garden with the lap top once you have the wireless connection.
I thought wireless was all in built now, as were buying my son a lap top for uni.
Phone bt up they will help.
You need a wireless router-modem, and a wireless card for the laptop (assuming it is not WiFi integrated).

Don't phone BT, they will just sell you overpriced BT products and tell you a perfectly good set up is wrong.

Once you have the router and the card (if possible buy both from the same manufacturer) they will have instructions on how to install them and set up the network.

Alternatively you can install Ubuntu instead of Vista and Ubunut will do the whole lot for you ;)

If you are still unsure, a google search should help out. There are plenty of guides out there.
the dell will be fine for what you want and they are pretty reliable IMO. its should run vista ok.
yes you will need a wireless router suitable for broadband (not cable) and yes your 2mb BB will integrate no problem.

cheers, was hoping that was the case, apparently i can pick up a router for about £30 or so? obviously need to check its the right one, still cant get my head around the technology,

do i just set the router up, and when i switch my lap-top on, it "finds" the internet connection?

can you tell I.T isn't my strongpoint? :hyper:

the dell will have a wireless adapter built in. the router also needs wireless so they can chat to each other.
the strongest signal will automatically be your default connection so when your wireless is on then yeah it will just hook up so you can go online.

the router should have pretty good setup instructions but PLEASE make sure you add security on the setup (it will tell you how in the instructions) to stop others using your wireless internet and potentially accessing your files.
How on Earth can people access your files simply because you forget to switch on WEP (or equivalent) password protection on your wireless router? All the password protection does is prevent people to hitchhiking your Internet connection. But accessing your hard drive surely demands that you have file sharing switched on and the firewall switched off. On Mac OS X at least, neither of those are the default conditions.

Cheers, Neale

the router should have pretty good setup instructions but PLEASE make sure you add security on the setup (it will tell you how in the instructions) to stop others using your wireless internet and potentially accessing your files.
Sure this will only be a problem if the Shared folders are used. You could start having other problems though from wireless hacking which would be easy if you dont use any security to connect to your WAP.
windows will have sharing folders setup by default on a wlan but also firewalls will be turned on.
I wouldn't touch Gateway kit, they're awful ime.

Also, a 17" flatscreen monitor for �130 is only an average deal imo....I could get a 19" TFT widescreen for cheaper money than that with a 5ms response time (and a 3 year warranty).

Wow... how wrong was I.

So let it be written, I was dead wrong here.


I can't believe it has been so long since I checked the price of monitors! This is one of my regular suppliers and even these guys have got !7 inchers for £80... a £50 saving on my poor original recommendation.

Thanks for drawing that to my attention Darkstar! You stopped me looking like an idiot more than once :D


A 19" for £100 incl VAT. Lovely!
Cheap LCD screens are fine for typing and whatnot, but there are good reasons people pay money for high-end LCDs (and for that matter CRT screens). Firstly, size isn't everything. Colour fidelity is important, and so is brightness, and so especially is viewing angle. All these things should be tested before laying down your cash if you plan on doing any kind of image editing for example. The difference between a cheap LCD and a quality one is night and day, if you're into graphics work anyway.

That said, 100 quid for an LCD this size is a steal.... where's my cheque book?

Cheers, Neale

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