I Want More Bettas But Not More Tanks.


Fish nerd
Mar 19, 2008
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I have too many tanks I am starting to look really crazy to my friends and family.
Here is my list. 
100 Gal Cichlids and friends. 
80Gal Discus community. 
20 Gal goldfish grow out (my daughters fish. )
5 gal betta my (my daughters fish)
20 Gal long betta community
7 gal female betta. 
SO how can I have more betta fish with out setting up more tanks? I want to give away the goldfish and get more bettas but They are my daughters fish and I asked her and she loves those fish. I want to keep 3 pairs of betta fish. So 6 betta fish. 
I have 2 empty 10 Gal and a empty 36 Gal. The 36 Gal will be my betta grow out tank.
I am thinking of taking down the 7 Gal and setting up a 10 Gal and split it up to keep 2 or 3 fish in it. The 20 Gal long I would split up into 4 parts. I could even split my daughters 5 gal up and keep 2 bettas in that tank. I am not a fan of splitting up tanks but I want more bettas. 
What do you think of that. Or maybe I could put the bettas in breeder traps in my 80 Gal tank?
If by ' betta pairs ' you mean a male and female then that's not a good idea. In fact, 2 bettas of any sex together is a no-no really.
I think I would split tanks up other wise. Either that or a betta female group of 7+ .
TallTree01 said:
If by ' betta pairs ' you mean a male and female then that's not a good idea. In fact, 2 bettas of any sex together is a no-no really.
I think I would split tanks up other wise. Either that or a betta female group of 7+ .
I kept all female years ago I had 8 in a 36Gal I would NEVER do that again.  I know you cant keep pairs together Thats why I am having a problem.  I am going to divide the tanks so the fish can not get at each other. 
I would be happy with what you have. It must end somewhere!

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