As The title says I think my Kribs are spawning again.
I have a breeding pair, they have spawned before and I managed to save 8 of the fry before being picked off one by one by the other tank mates.
I had them in a community tank but took them out as it looked like they were spawning again, I put them on their own on a small tall but this was a mistake, all they did was hide.
I later learned they need dither fish to come out but the small tank was too small to add dithers so I moved them again to a lager tank leaving 5 x Danios in there, this worked as they were all over the tank investigating.
I added a few caves for them and now they have picked a spot that is their's and going off the behaviour they look like they may have eggs, the female is staying in the hiding place but comes out now and again while the male stands guard then she goes back in after her little swim around, and he is on guard all the time now just like before.
He isn't chasing the Danios away much but then again they do seem to be holding in the other end of the tank but when one comes near he just makes his presence known and they swim off again, so fingers crossed.
(Side note) The 8 fry are doing well by the way, they are about 2 weeks old now and starting to look like baby Kribs.
I have a breeding pair, they have spawned before and I managed to save 8 of the fry before being picked off one by one by the other tank mates.
I had them in a community tank but took them out as it looked like they were spawning again, I put them on their own on a small tall but this was a mistake, all they did was hide.
I later learned they need dither fish to come out but the small tank was too small to add dithers so I moved them again to a lager tank leaving 5 x Danios in there, this worked as they were all over the tank investigating.
I added a few caves for them and now they have picked a spot that is their's and going off the behaviour they look like they may have eggs, the female is staying in the hiding place but comes out now and again while the male stands guard then she goes back in after her little swim around, and he is on guard all the time now just like before.
He isn't chasing the Danios away much but then again they do seem to be holding in the other end of the tank but when one comes near he just makes his presence known and they swim off again, so fingers crossed.
(Side note) The 8 fry are doing well by the way, they are about 2 weeks old now and starting to look like baby Kribs.