I Think My Betta Is Sick - Urgent Help Required

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Aug 13, 2012
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Please help, we started our 27 litre tank 10 weeks ago. .After 2 weeks we bought a betta. He has been fine. Doing daily water changes, checking water etc. No3 is 10, no trace of NO2 or amonia, GH is 16, KH3, PH 6.8, Chlorine 0. 6 weeks after Bubbles we introduced a Cory Dora, all fine, yesterday (2 weeks after Cory Dora) we purchased 2 platties. I noticed floating poop, thought it must be the platties but checked anyway. I can't be sure but I think bubbles is looking more silvery underneath, I am sure he was completely back before but now he has a silver sheen under is face. In addition his back fins look slightly matted and brown. i have pictures but can't work out how to download (it is asking for a url and they are on my PC. Any ideas please
is he raggedy on his fins because he could have fin rot which is common in bettas also the brown places could they really be red tey to look closer tell me if he is showing any of these signs
I think it is more browny. Its a shame I can't post a picture! Maybe I should treat for fin rot just in case??
You need to re think what fish you have in your tank. Corydoras are social fish - they need to be in groups of 6 of the same species at a minimum. Platy's also like to be in groups...

I cannot help with the Betta as I have never had one. What are the water stats today? Do you have a hospital tank to quarantine the Betta?
upload the picture to photobucket or similar, then copy the [ img]www.blaahblahblah.com[/img] code and paste it in here
Ok here is the treatment for fin rot u need to purchase a bottle of fish medicine called melafix and use it every morning and get some aquarium salt too might be able to save it I'm in the middle of having Bettas with fin rot also I lost one yesterday oh also go purchase blood worms they might have something called betta treat and it will say freeze dried blood worms those will helP with fun regrowth
Hi, heidifishlover how is your betta?

While you're nursing him back to full health you may want to look at what caused this to start with, to prevent it happening again. If he's got raggedy fins the substrate and/or other aquarium decor could be a problem. Also which foods are you feeding him?


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