I Think I Have Ich!


New Member
Aug 23, 2012
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i was looking at my fish last night and one of my zebra danios has little white spots all over it. im pretty sure its ich. I have mollies, platy, neon tetras, cherry barbs, guppies and cory cats and zebra danios. I dont have another tank so i have no way of isolating the danio with the white spots.. What is the best way to cure this. Is there a good store bought treatment? Salt and hight temp? please help id like to get this cleared up as soon as possible
Raise up your temp to 85-88, add a lot of aeration, and add a teaspoon of salt per gallon of water. Do a 50% water change daily, and it should be gone in a couple weeks. If it starts spreading, then get some ich treatment stuff at your LFS.
I had a bout of that in one of my tanks, I got some treatment from the LFS, it is WS3, turns the water blue but it clears.
my corys are my favorite fish and dont ant to kill them with salt. Maybe i can get a friend to take them why i get rid of the ich. any other suggestions

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