I Really Want To Get A Betta


Fish Fanatic
Jun 17, 2012
Reaction score
IL, Usa
I have 4 fish tanks.

A 29 which is a live bearer community tank that mostly has adults in it but also has juvenile guppies.
A 20 that has all juvenile Mollies and Platies as well as baby platies and three baby guppies.
A 5 gallon with 2 fiddler crabs. I'm thinking of getting a different tank for them.
A 1.5 gallon that is housing 3 baby snails.

I have a tank divider for the 20 gallon. I really want a betta, but i don't know what tank it would be happiest in and I don't know if I should get a male or female. I've had a female before and she got along with my guppies, but now I have a lot more fish.
Betta and adult male guppy don't get along well. The betta tends to see any other fish with nice long fins as a potential rival. They are also more than happy to eat the fry and are particularly good at getting to them.

Using a tank divider of course means there is no problem keeping them apart. You don't even need to give the betta half of the tank, a third will do nicely.

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