I've kept my own tanks for about 10 years now, and I've always been in the hobby as my family keep fish. As of now, I have 8 tanks: a 5 gallon, an 8 gallon, 3 10 gallons, a 35 gallon, a 45 gallon and a 75 gallon. Due to stress and anxiety, I've recently developed a weird type of hand eczema which is apparently triggered by getting your hands wet for long periods of time.
It's pretty tricky to keep fish without getting your hands wet.
As much as I enjoy my fish, I'm starting to think it's not worth it for the agonizing itch. I can kind of manage in my smaller tanks with gloves, but my 75 gallon is so deep that I have to go in up to my shoulder.
Ach ... of course I won't stop fish-keeping. It's my favourite hobby and I've spent way too much time and money on it to give up now. I was wondering if anyone has had similar problems or if anyone had some advice. I'm thinking really really long surgical gloves or something.

As much as I enjoy my fish, I'm starting to think it's not worth it for the agonizing itch. I can kind of manage in my smaller tanks with gloves, but my 75 gallon is so deep that I have to go in up to my shoulder.
Ach ... of course I won't stop fish-keeping. It's my favourite hobby and I've spent way too much time and money on it to give up now. I was wondering if anyone has had similar problems or if anyone had some advice. I'm thinking really really long surgical gloves or something.