First off this is my first post here, I've been trolling but too lazy to sign up. I should of signed up earlier 
This is my story with my first aquarium and im at a point where I need help, if anyone can decipher my situation and tell me where to go from here I'd appreciate it much.
Here goes.....
-bought a 30gallon tank on impulse brought it home set it up and went fishless for a week added bacteria from a bottle and some food.
-added 7 rummy nose tetras and bought a API test kit. changed water 30% once a week for 4 weeks.
-added 3 julii coridoras and probably overfed. a bit
-I changed the filter in my "BIOWHEEL" penguin filter but DID NOT touch the wheel...
-a week later HUGE Nitrite spike, I changed 50% per time for 4 times, nitrites went down but still high.
-did some research and bought "seachem prime" yesterday and put in 4 capfulls, within a half hour NO NITRITES.
-This morning did a full test on all the parameters and I have 5ppm ammonia, 0 Nitrates, 0 Nitrites
Now im in the frame of mind that nothing is fixed because i added PRIME, but now what do I do? How will I really know my tank has cycled???
I also put in an air pump and stone, my filter is a marineland penguin 250 biowheel and i put in a bag of matrix in the compartment before the filter hoping bacteria will grow. I'm about to do anothe water change but am just confused. Its like i walked down a wooded path then decided to take a shortcut and now im lost
The internet is contradicting and im looking for someone who is knowledgeable to steer me in the right path. I will even change my biowheel to another filtration system.
Please and thanks...

This is my story with my first aquarium and im at a point where I need help, if anyone can decipher my situation and tell me where to go from here I'd appreciate it much.
Here goes.....
-bought a 30gallon tank on impulse brought it home set it up and went fishless for a week added bacteria from a bottle and some food.
-added 7 rummy nose tetras and bought a API test kit. changed water 30% once a week for 4 weeks.
-added 3 julii coridoras and probably overfed. a bit
-I changed the filter in my "BIOWHEEL" penguin filter but DID NOT touch the wheel...
-a week later HUGE Nitrite spike, I changed 50% per time for 4 times, nitrites went down but still high.
-did some research and bought "seachem prime" yesterday and put in 4 capfulls, within a half hour NO NITRITES.
-This morning did a full test on all the parameters and I have 5ppm ammonia, 0 Nitrates, 0 Nitrites
Now im in the frame of mind that nothing is fixed because i added PRIME, but now what do I do? How will I really know my tank has cycled???
I also put in an air pump and stone, my filter is a marineland penguin 250 biowheel and i put in a bag of matrix in the compartment before the filter hoping bacteria will grow. I'm about to do anothe water change but am just confused. Its like i walked down a wooded path then decided to take a shortcut and now im lost

Please and thanks...