I need plant help

I have had the plant in the picture and it has produced various different leaf shapes and forms. The broad flat green leaf is typical but mine also produced fine leaves and a variety of leaves in between fine and broad and flat. Some people say they are different species but personally, I think it is just one species that is quite variable. Either way tho, if you get some of the plants in the pic, you can grow them on the surface or planted in the gravel and they do really well. :)
Yes, the Water Sprite in the photo is Ceratopteris cornuta.

I did explain the three distinct species commonly seen in the hobby previously. There are now five distinct species accepted according to phylogenetic analysis (DNA). The three I previously mentioned are the ones encountered in the hobby, though I cannot rule out we might see the other two without knowing it. Most of us cannot study a plant's DNA to be certain. ????

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