I need help please

Is he ok ?

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Tanya farrell

Fish Fanatic
May 1, 2017
Reaction score
I have 100L tank , I. Brought 3 new fish today , 2 of them have made them self at home but one is just sitting at the top of the tank , his eating and swimming ok but is staying at the top , he has a bit of poo hanging around his bum , is he ok ?
alrighty here we go!
Tank inhabitants:
what kind of fish?....
Water change schedule?
Other information?
Do you like watching rush hour 3?
What do the poopies look like? Solid and brown or stringy and translucent?
I like rush hour 3 , why ?
The fish is ok now ,
The poo is still there , it stringy
I'm at work at the mo , but I use this disease treatment on them , should them help ? I don't know what it's called tell I get home
The all in one meds by API should take care of it, erythromycin would be the next step out of that, just make sure you know what you're doing as treating with meds can be stressful on fish and some can kill off BB
Could you tell us exactly what species of fish you have, and how many in the tank altogether?

Have you tested the water (and, if so, can you post the results, please) and done a large water change?

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