Tank size:304L
tank temp:25 degrees
Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): fish seam to be very lethargic today when i got in from college, they seam to be floating around without control (neon tetras mainly). Ive lost 3 tetras this evening which i know isnt normal hense me getting panicked over it all!
Their colour is normal on all the fish, no changed.
The fish seam to be either at the bottom or near the surface.
No abnormalities on the fish, ive thoroughly checked and they seam normal which is confusing me really bad!!
Volume and Frequency of water changes: normally at least a quarter to half a tank when i clean the tank, and every two weeks i clean the tank, but not as much recently due to losing a few fish.
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: External filter. (i used a accu-clear but it has been used before and had no effect)
Tank inhabitants: A snail from live plants, but its been in a while.
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): No living, just extra plants.
I dont understand why they have been like this because the water has always been like it has and i havent done anything different.