I Need An Intervention

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Fish Aficionado
Jan 29, 2012
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Someone has offered me 9 or 10 green laser corys for £30, they also have 5 baby ones which I can have for £10. I came across the sale accidentally, I originally contacted them as they had a BN pleco for sale, but they don't have it any more.

SO! I am really torn because these are beautiful fish and at a great price BUT it does totally mess up the stocking plan I have for my Rio 180.

I currently have:
8 Espei Rasbora
4 Sterbai Cory
1 Male Betta

My plan was:
12 Espei Rasbora
12 Cardinal Tetra
8 Sterbai Cory
1 Albino BN Pleco
1 Male betta

Now I think this does still leave me some room for manoeuvre, but not enough room for all of them...and I also don't know if I have to take ALL of the adults. I am tempted towards the babies because my sterbai aren't fully mature yet either.

Or maybe I should just stick to my plan and let this pass as an impulse move! I'd love some impartial advice from you guys as to what I should do. Thanks!
I was planning 12 albinos in my 46g. I think you could have the two types of cories if you really want them and the temperature ranges match up.

My stocking for the 46g is a little more full then your original plan as I am having 2-3 Three spot Gouramis in there and a nice shoal of cardinals.

Your on top of your tank. You would be fine :good:
That's a good point about the temperature ranges, I can't find much info on them TBH :/

How many do you think I should get?
Why not decide how many of each group you want. If you want 8 Sterbai, why not get the 5 green laser babies if thats what you were leaning to. Then later you will know how your filter is handling it all and can add some if you want.
I think I may go for 5 babies and three adults - for the price, if I want to add more later, these are £10 each in LFS (silly, they are just posh bronzes!)

...and I like to have even numbers :blush:
lol they are beautiful aren't they? Too bad I can't squeeze them all in!

I'm going to ask him if he'll split the adults up now, fingers crossed!
you can fit them in easily to be honest, i would. go get :) Rasbora and Cardinals are virtually zero bioload.
Right well I've just bought 8 green laser corys for £20! According to a shop down the road in Newcastle that's £80 worth of fish - sa-weet!

The juuvis are about 2" long which is about the same as my sterbai so quite pleased with that. Then he's giving me 1 adult male and 2 adult females which have spawned in the past (and possibly produced the little guys I'm getting I imagine!)

So freakin' excited!
They generally only hit £10/£15+ for a fish is they are wild. Tank bred ones down here are £4.
Ah I see, well still a bargain :D

Out of curiosity, how come wild ones are more expensive?
Well, mostly because they are considered more "pure", stronger blood lines and such. Few articles out there if you got time to Google that go into detail.

Depending on the fish, sometimes tank bred can be a better option as the fish tend to adapt well to water conditions, while wild fish can't and often keel over and die if the keeper cant match the requirements of the fish.
All makes sense! My sterbai were labelled as "tank bred" when I bought them at £7.00 each.

Thanks :)

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