I Need A Multiple Channel Timer


Fish Herder
Nov 13, 2011
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I have three timers running on my tank, one for the night (blue) leds, one for one set of 2 x 80 watt lights and one for the other set. These timers are the mechanical type that clunk and whirr and need fiddly setting (especially when bringing the blue lights on just before the white ones go off).
Surely someone makes a quality digital timer that can control at least three outouts independently?
Anyone know of a manufacturer (that supplies in the UK)?
I've only ever found one in the UK but the price put me off (although it does look a great bit of kit)
It has 6 sockets, 4 of which can be programmed. The programming is done by connecting up to your computer via USB lead.
I ended up getting a pack of three manual timers from argos for £10 to use, but might end up getting this one i suggested soon
That's the only multi channel digital I've seen. I've seen some with built in mechanical ones. I just use a power block with a series of cheap digital timers, but it does get messy.
Thats what i have. The only problem being that the timer sockets are much wider than normal plugs, and i can't plug anything in the socket next to it as it partially covers it.
This is why im considering the one above soon, just need to persuade the mrs that £50 for a plug socket isn't expensive
Add together the cost of 4 digital timers, plus a 6 way extension block, and you're not really all that far off anyway. I tend to use blocks with switches, which makes for wider gaps.
I told her that i'm screwing the multi socket to the inside if the tank cabinet soon anyway to hide all the wires, maybe i'll purchase it when i do. She never looks in there so she wouldn't know anyway lol
Tooombsy said:
I told her that i'm screwing the multi socket to the inside if the tank cabinet soon anyway to hide all the wires, maybe i'll purchase it when i do. She never looks in there so she wouldn't know anyway lol
Thats what I do too sometimes :lol:
Excellent. I have bought one online from Amazon (UK) at £39.84 with free delivery (I am with Amazon Prime); should be here Tuesday.
Thank you Tooomsby.
OK, I bought this and it is exactly what I wanted. It has six sockets, four of which are programmable using a PC and the supplied USB cable. It says it works up to Windows 7 but I had no problem with Windows 8.1. I programmed it to bring on my blue leds in the morning just before one set of main lights come on, then the first set of main lights, folowed a few hours later with the second set, then the second set off and later the blue lights back on just before the first main lights go off. I set this to cycle daily and today it has worked just fine. All my mechanical timers have gone and I have just one row of sockets.
Downsides: The sockets are a little stiff and at first I didn't think I could get my plugs in, gave it a bit more welly and all is ok. According to the blurb, if there is a power cut you retain the programming but not the time so you would have to increment the onboard timer in 1-minute steps (using a button on the side) until the right time was reached or take it back to your computer and re-program it. Seems a bit odd to me since a timer must be running to make the sockets turn on at the right time; why should the timer stop without power? On reflection I suppose the programming is in static RAM but the timer is dynamic and requires constant power; question answered.
One other downside: You can't override the timing, if you want to manually switch the lights (or other device) on or off you will have to remove the plug and put it somewhere else (although two of the six sockets are always live so you could use on of the those).
All in all though, an excellent product and so long as it is reliable long-term, pretty good value for money as it replaces threee timers and a double plug for me and saves loads of space.
Sounds good to me bar the power loss issue.  Maybe you can invest in a small battery backup? I am currently looking into battery backup options myself.  Here is one that I have come across recently:

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