Before you begin reading i must apologise for the absolutely unforgivable state of my tank, i really need to do something about the algae and i know i should be more thorough and regular about cleaning it but i've been ill so i'm afraid thats just the way it is. I also must apologise for my god-awful camera skills (if you were hoping for decent pictures then turn back now), in my defence it is a really rubbish camera.
First up i feel i should share a picture of my Harlequins doing their thing, i've noticed they seem to be either fighting for dominance or mating recently(locking their dorsal fins and having stand-offs with each-other), nothing too serious though. They seem plump and happy enough to me:
Again, sorry for the awful photographs.
One of my two surviving Killi's:
They are both male and the other is in my 125 litre, i'm well aware he may not work long-term in this tank but he's ok for now while i figure out what to do with him if he turns bad.
Mr Whippy just chillin' and doing his thing:
The King and his Queens have extreme cases of camera shyness, not quite on par with the Zebra Danio's (though to be honest they're not shy, just too fast for me) but definitely getting there:
This is literally the best picture of a Danio i could get:
They're like some kind of mystical, underwater Bigfoot in as much as i swear they exist but only ever get blurry photographs of them, they are more than happy to ruin everybody else's photographs though.....
Does this look like somewhere you could live?:
The reason i ask is because i know somebody who can both survive and thrive in there. I haven't done my filter cleaning for over a month now but when i finally opened it up i found this little guy flopping around inside:
In this awful photograph you can see him (well, just about make him out) next to one of his (possible) relatives:
And here he is on the open range:
Here is one of his older counterparts:
Thats right, my very own baby Bronze Corydora! I am slightly miffed that my filter seems to be able to do a better job at raising fry than me but oh well, saves me the work i suppose. I knew that at least a few of the eggs from the last spawn had hatched because i found them empty on the glass, i assumed all of the fry had been eaten or sucked up and killed but i guess this little one was just too tough to die. Looks like my females are ready to go again, lets just hope me rescuing fry from the filter does not turn into a regular occurrence, i have very finite space that i am reserving for a couple more Whiptails.
First up i feel i should share a picture of my Harlequins doing their thing, i've noticed they seem to be either fighting for dominance or mating recently(locking their dorsal fins and having stand-offs with each-other), nothing too serious though. They seem plump and happy enough to me:

Again, sorry for the awful photographs.
One of my two surviving Killi's:

They are both male and the other is in my 125 litre, i'm well aware he may not work long-term in this tank but he's ok for now while i figure out what to do with him if he turns bad.
Mr Whippy just chillin' and doing his thing:

The King and his Queens have extreme cases of camera shyness, not quite on par with the Zebra Danio's (though to be honest they're not shy, just too fast for me) but definitely getting there:

This is literally the best picture of a Danio i could get:

They're like some kind of mystical, underwater Bigfoot in as much as i swear they exist but only ever get blurry photographs of them, they are more than happy to ruin everybody else's photographs though.....
Does this look like somewhere you could live?:

The reason i ask is because i know somebody who can both survive and thrive in there. I haven't done my filter cleaning for over a month now but when i finally opened it up i found this little guy flopping around inside:

In this awful photograph you can see him (well, just about make him out) next to one of his (possible) relatives:

And here he is on the open range:

Here is one of his older counterparts:

Thats right, my very own baby Bronze Corydora! I am slightly miffed that my filter seems to be able to do a better job at raising fry than me but oh well, saves me the work i suppose. I knew that at least a few of the eggs from the last spawn had hatched because i found them empty on the glass, i assumed all of the fry had been eaten or sucked up and killed but i guess this little one was just too tough to die. Looks like my females are ready to go again, lets just hope me rescuing fry from the filter does not turn into a regular occurrence, i have very finite space that i am reserving for a couple more Whiptails.