i had a fish with velvet that woudnt get better at all! but didnt get worse either. i got rid of it a few days ago as i have an empty tank ready for my malwais, except from my cuckoo catfish, 2 ples and 2 parrot fish i will get gone a day before i stock malawis. only problem is since i moved the infected fish ( donated to fish sanctuary ) did a 30 to 40 percent water change, moved all the rocks about and hooked up my new filter. my 2 parrot fish which have always been confident and always out are constantly dashing to saferty when i enter the room and are looking lethargic and are losing some scales. im now ill with a cold and beggining to think it may be fish tb! i dont really know what to do, the parrot fish have a great appetite. my cuckoo has not moved spot for days now and doesnt appear to be eating. the origanl fish with velvet either already had it or it came from the plants i bought, both of which went in the same day
im concerned, why would the be losing scales???