I Have No Clue What Type Of Platy One Of My Fish Is


New Member
Aug 22, 2012
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Hi. I'm new to this type of form thing, but I have typed all of my and one of my friends fish, besides one. One of my fish is incredably hard to find anything that fits her. She's fairly large, about 2 inches and I know her mom is a Sunset Wag platy and her dad was some type of light colored mickey mouse platy. She's a light orangey color, and I think she's a Wag. I've looked through so many sights and found four rather good ones, but none of the fish types seem to fit her. Here's a pic:
oops nevermind, I think red wagtail platy
I saw one Picture of a Red Wag that looked like her, but normally Red Wags are way more intense of a red color. Some of her old sisters had the same color, besides two that actaully had mickey mouse(s?). The first pics of one of her sisters that looks similar to her(she's dead now) and the seconds of one of her sisters who had a color break in her fin(she died)

Although I cannot view the picture, she sounds like a hyrbid--> platy+swoardtail.

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