I Have Changed My Stock :)


Fish Fanatic
May 10, 2013
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hi guys, i was debating whether to change my stock or not and i have decided to go ahead with it, my friend offered to take my platies and cherries for one of his smaller tanks. and i have changed my stock!
My new stock is:
3 Ottos- same ones as before and probably going to upgrade these to 5 i tihnk
10 Penguin tetras
1 dwarf gourami- same guy as before, nicknamed fatso as you would probably guess why :p
and 1 neon tetra that was given to me accidentally by my LFS, they caught him as well as the penguins so im not sure what to do with this guy as he is shoaling with my penguins :p
I still will do 25%-35% PWC a week and have done a 40%-ish PWC as a personal precaution for new fish, to prevent stress and promote healthy fish- i also kept the light off for a few hours to prevent stress.
I was possibly thinking of adding something else to fill the tank, im open to offers but im not sure whether it will overstock me, any suggestions :) ?
I would say and this is just my opinion that you are very close to being overstocked if not already overstocked as I have a 70 litre and that only has 2 kribensis and 7 rummynose tetras. I say that you are close if not overstocked because the 10 penguin tetras are about the size of the rummies if not a bit bigger as I believe the rmt get to 2 inches where as the penguin tetra can get to 3. You then have a dwarf gourami which will be about the size of one of my kribensis and then you have the 3 ottos and a neon tetra. I'm not the best at stocking my own tanks or giving advice about stocking levels but this is what I think. Hope it helps from Tom
If my maths is correct your 60 litre tank is 13 gallons which means you have 13 inches of thin bodied fish to fit in your tank
10x penguin tetra I will say they are 2 inches rather than 3 and that's is now 20 inches in the tank
3 ottos at about 1 inch each is 3 more inches
1 neon tetra at about an inch maybe a little less 1 inch again
Dwarf gourami at 2 inches is another 2 inches

So I make that 26 inches of fish in a 13 inch tank. My maths could be wrong as I'm not a maths expert but if that is correct I would say the tank is over stocked from Tom

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