I Hate Melon Barbs


Nov 1, 2011
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swansea, wales
Looking in my tank last night and I knew something wasn't right it took me ages to work it out that all my neons have gone no bones left nothing. The only thing it can be is my melon barbs they are the only thing big enough to eat them as they were quite big

I saw the biggest barbs with 1 in his mouth a few weeks ago but assumed it must of been ill and that's how he managed to catch him.

The point of this post is don't have melon barbs with neons lol

If they didn't cost me so much I'd flush them lol
Sorry for your loss!!.
I don't know melon barbs. I have tigers in mine with lemon & beacon tetras with no probs though.
Again, sorry to hear about your losses.
How big are your Melon Barbs? I had heard of them, but was shocked to read at SeriouslyFish after seeing your post that they rarely exceed ~7.5cm SL in the hobby, a trait I was aware of regarding Rosy Barbs (who reach ~15cm in the wild).
They are probally around 3-4 inches not sure what works out as in cm lol taking advice from the lfs again m question to the was will they eat my neons their reply was there's no chance of that because neons are too quick

Another lesson learned lol
Speed is no measure of compatability, mouth size is, if "fish x" can fit "fish y" in its mouth (or it thinks it can) then "fish x" will have a go (sometimes choking to death if the fit is too tight). Your Melon Barbs may have been attacking the Neons at darkness, when the barbs are less likely to be seen and the tetras will be less active.
Yeah I know tetras hardly move at night so that's probally when they had them like ninjas lol I should of thought about them being able to fit them in their mouths as that works for all fish lol

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