I Got An Otto Cat For My Tank


Fish Crazy
Oct 13, 2013
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I know I should have gotten a few, but I want to make sure everything would be okay. Right now I have one swordtail (who doesn't know what to think of otto) and three platys. If I wanted to get any more ottos, how many should I get?
Oto's do best in groups of 5+, the more you have the more active they are, how big is your tank?
You haven't room for any more Oto's & tbh your tank is too small for the swordtail
Yes, as I was looking at the swordtails at the store, I noticed they were at least two inches long.
id say bring back the otto, your tank is already overstocked. you definitely don't have room for 5 ottos in there
Well, everything I do with the tank is up to my mom. I hate not being able to do my own thing. Thats why I never posted my water tests. She REFUSES TO LET ME do them. They are my fish, I should be able to do what I want! I DID NOT want to get an otto. She forced me to. 

And I am old enough to make my own decision. I am almost 16.
Tell her its not healthy for the oto, and try to convince her to bring it back.
To convince her, I would need a lot of reasons. Maybe you could help me? I did notice the older fish don't really like otto.  

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