I Found A Baby Fish.


Fish Crazy
Mar 15, 2013
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I just noticed today that there was some sort of baby fish swimming in my tank. I dont have a clue were it came from.so currently i have glowlight tetra and harlequin rasboras. As well as kuhli loach and temporaly two hoplo catfish.
The fish does not like any i have in the tank. Other usefull information is i recently put some anubias into the tank brought from ebay and i month ago i had 4 MALE platys. However two months ago i did have a female platy for only a day before i returned it to the fish store.

So were could it come from, and what is it. It is a orange colour.
It looks like a baby platy to me. If the store where you get plants from bagged the plant with some water, the baby may have hitched a ride as a reeeeaaallly small baby. Then it grew a little bit feeding off of smaller foods you feed the other fish. A bit of a wild theory I guess... :)
its a baby platy, it would of arrived when you added your other platys, probably got scooped up in the store :) 
Yeah, i was hoping for some rare and interesting fish, but i guess its a platy. Well i guess hes lucky and i will keep him aas i cannot bare let him go. I see him as special. I will name him precious.
Well the theory of how it arrived. The plants came with little or non water so i guess that seems very unlikely, also the platys i brought were 2 months ago but it cant have just jumped into my tank, so i guess it probaly came with the glowlights or hoplo whichi purchased a few,weeks ago.
The female gave birth to it when she was in your tank. Any others got eaten or swallowed up the filter. It hasn't grown much at all because food for it is scrace. Live bearer's fry really need feeding 5 or 6 times a day in an extra large fry net to get the off to a good start.
Yep, i fed him or her crushed flake, it was one hungry baby.ill keep u guys updated on how it gets on.

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