Hi, anyone who's been following my 'place your bets' thread will know I've been trying to raise some cory fry. I recently got lucky and managed to raise 3. Then a few weeks ago I spotted one in my main tank and a few days ago I was able to catch it and add it to my fry tank with the 3 I had been raising.
It was then that I noticed the difference in these cories.
The one I caught in my main tank is an obvious panda cory fry but the 3 in the fry tank that I raised myself from eggs look different.
They have a very faint mask over the eyes, but it's more blue than black. The also have a dark spot at the base of the tail, but again it's more blue in colour than black. Their dorsal fin isn't black though, it's almost clear. Then last night I noticed that the largest one has some dark spots coming on it's body
I have in my main tank 6 panda cories - a mix of 3 females and 3 males and I have 3 smudge-spot cories - 2 of which are obvious females but the 3rd I'm unsure of
I'm now getting concerned that the 3 fry are a hybrid of panda's and smudge-spot and a brief bit of googling tells me that it is possible for these two cories to interbreed
I'm making a new post to ask if anyone here has come across this or of anyone has bred smudge-spot cories and what the fry look like. My little one's will be 8 weeks old now
I'll see if I can get a photo so I can show you all what I mean
It was then that I noticed the difference in these cories.
The one I caught in my main tank is an obvious panda cory fry but the 3 in the fry tank that I raised myself from eggs look different.
They have a very faint mask over the eyes, but it's more blue than black. The also have a dark spot at the base of the tail, but again it's more blue in colour than black. Their dorsal fin isn't black though, it's almost clear. Then last night I noticed that the largest one has some dark spots coming on it's body
I have in my main tank 6 panda cories - a mix of 3 females and 3 males and I have 3 smudge-spot cories - 2 of which are obvious females but the 3rd I'm unsure of
I'm now getting concerned that the 3 fry are a hybrid of panda's and smudge-spot and a brief bit of googling tells me that it is possible for these two cories to interbreed
I'm making a new post to ask if anyone here has come across this or of anyone has bred smudge-spot cories and what the fry look like. My little one's will be 8 weeks old now
I'll see if I can get a photo so I can show you all what I mean