How's my stocking level?


Hammer Time
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Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
Northeastern USA
10 gallon planted tank with white sand substrate with leaf litter and floating duckweed.. 50 % wc weekly. Overfiltered with penguin 100 and a sponge filter

4 adult harlequin rasboras , 2 adult neon tetra and 6 baby neon tetra.

What do you think of this stocking?

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Sounds good to me; I think you could probably up the numbers a bit, tbh. They're all small fish with a low bioload

How high does your nitrate get, before a water change? That's one of the best guides for stocking, when you're considering small shoalers like these :)
Tank has been cycled about two months or so. Started with 6 rasboras. Lost 2 to unknown cause. Added two adult neons about a week ago. A few days later added three more. Today I added another 3. Will keep a close eye on nitrares. I added duckweed to help keep nitrates in check.

Last water change 6 days ago nitrates were about 25. Added duckweed about 6 days ago. I just checked nitrates and using a salifert test kit (very accurate by the way and highly recommend) it tested at just 5 ppm. My tap water also tests at 5ppm. Duckweed must be lowering nitrate levels. Might do less than 50% wc tomorrow.
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I'd get a few more Rasboras, maybe 3-4. But that'd be it.
H.rasbora are better suited for a 24in tank due to being an active schooling fish. Many feel the same about neons. I believe there are ok for a 10g and could hold 5 or 6.

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if you add some harleys, just make sure your nitrate levels are consistently under 40 ... if not, I'd recommend adding some floating plants and more plants to sop up excess nitrates..worked for me...nitrates at 5 ppm now..same as tap...that's with the 8 neons and 4 Harley's...I will be montitoring closely for a few weeks

My Harleys just seem to chill in one spot quite a bit..I heard that is normal if they are comfortable in the tank...they're very active at feeding time and if I knock against the tank
Hah any advice on how to fix a screwed up fish tank? My scape fell apart and now I have wood and a bunch of water wisteria missinga couple leaves
I suggest you start a new thread in the planted tank forum
I upped the neons to 9. Harleys still at 4 due to local fish stores not stocking them. Tank and fish are healthy. Wish I could find some more rummys for my other tank (just two rummys left in the tank) but none available around here.
Man lucky. I am still having to make enough money to finish stocking my 10 gallon after I finish stocking my 5 gallon with ghost shrimp
UPDATE for 10 gallon tank stocking

I upped the neons to 10, increased harlequin rasboras to 5...also added 3 cherry shrimp ( 2 male and 1 female I think) and also have 1 nerite snail in the tank...will be adding some java moss soon...have the duckweed floating on top, a few anubias nana, and 2 java ferns (small). At end of week before water change, nitrates are about 10-15

opinions welcome
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Seems good to me. The harlequins might appreciate a few more friends, but you're limited by the size of the tank. 2-3 more MAX, and then I'd say you're fully stocked.

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