How To Transfer Used Filter Material Please?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 23, 2012
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My tank (90l) is refusing to cycle. I have done everything by the book and four weeks in the ammonia hasn't budged, no nitrites and very little residual Nitrate.

I am unnerved.

Now I have a fluval edge with a cycled filter. Is it possible for me to somehow transfer something from this to my 90 liter internal fluval filter??
Yes, it is. Cut about a third off your Edge's sponge and put that in the bottom of your 90ls filter :good:
lol, thank you, Em :)

I'm sure your tank will cycle now, with a bit of help :good:
You are welcome Flutter!!
The filter top will not quite close with the media in the bottom. Is that Ok?

Oh I hope this works!
It depends on your filter, but I would take a bit of the new media out so it does close; it might allow the water to bypass the media if it's not properly shut.
Ok but the filter material is in a blue plastic frame....
Should I slide out the media and cut some out and pop old media in?

Sorry I know I am being a numpty - never had a fluval filter like this before.
Ah, a Fluval U?

In that case, if you haven't already, I would prise apart the one with the carbon insert and cut your mature sponge into thin-ish slices and replace the carbon bits with it. Or chop it up and put it in the centre section with the bio nodule things are.
Thank you flutter - I was doing that whilst you posted :rolleyes:

I cut out a section of new sponge and replaced with slices of old filter sponge :hyper:

Couldn't have done it without you!! And now I have intimate knowledge of a Fluval U :blush:

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