How To Tell If My Platy Is Pregnant?

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Nov 20, 2013
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My partner and I have had our platy fish for nearly 2 weeks and are brand new to this type of fish.
I came home from work today and noticed that our orange platy was looking a little rounder.
I read up on how to check their gender and definitely know the orange is female and the black on is male.
I'm not sure if she is or isn't so hoped if I post a photo maybe someone could give us their opinion? The underside of her belly (where we think it looks rounder) looks a little darker as well, if that helps?
Here's the photo (it's the orange platy)

Thanks for any help :)
ccarts89 said:
My partner and I have had our platy fish for nearly 2 weeks and are brand new to this type of fish.
I came home from work today and noticed that our orange platy was looking a little rounder.
I read up on how to check their gender and definitely know the orange is female and the black on is male.
I'm not sure if she is or isn't so hoped if I post a photo maybe someone could give us their opinion? The underside of her belly (where we think it looks rounder) looks a little darker as well, if that helps?
Here's the photo (it's the orange platy)

Thanks for any help
Hello Charlie!
I don't see the picture from work, but you can always refer to this usefull topic that was created by a fellow member!:)
Ah great I'll have a look! Might just be a matter of keeping an eye on her for the next few days :) thanks!
Unless there's is something wrong with her internal organs, then a platy in a tank with another platy will spend its life constantly pregnant. Livebearers are constantly "at it", to the extent that a female can be harassed to death by a persistent male. Even after the male has left the tank (moved, died, whatever) she has the ability to store sperm packets for about 6 months after her last encounter.
If you have the room in your tank, it would be a good idea to get another female or two, to spread the male's, er, attentions so that she isn't constantly being harassed.
If you have a reasonable amount of plant cover, some fry will probably survive to maturity, but the majority will usually be predated upon, not least by the platies themselves.
I've only got a small tank as I've just started out, it's really basic but when I bought these 2 the woman advising us said we'd be able to fit 2 more in there after the first week passed so I might take your advice there and get 2 more females.
I was thinking about getting another tank and a breeding net, but I've heard that breeding nets can stress the female out so not sure about that either. Also I have no idea what I'd do if I ended up with a lot of fry/fish.
I've just started out as I said and don't know much about putting plants in. Do fake plants work the same way or are real ones the better option. I really am a total newb at this sorry :p
Thanks for the advice though I wanted to get some more of them so I'll be going out to buy 2 more females sometime this weekend ;)
ccarts89 said:
I've only got a small tank as I've just started out, it's really basic but when I bought these 2 the woman advising us said we'd be able to fit 2 more in there after the first week passed so I might take your advice there and get 2 more females.
I was thinking about getting another tank and a breeding net, but I've heard that breeding nets can stress the female out so not sure about that either. Also I have no idea what I'd do if I ended up with a lot of fry/fish.
I've just started out as I said and don't know much about putting plants in. Do fake plants work the same way or are real ones the better option. I really am a total newb at this sorry

Thanks for the advice though I wanted to get some more of them so I'll be going out to buy 2 more females sometime this weekend
I think your best bet is to let nature take its course, and let the adults eat the fry.
Since you've only had the tank a couple of weeks, I would suspect that the filter is not yet mature, so I would recommend against getting any new fish yet. How big is the tank, since it's very common for fish retailers to give misleading or even downright bad advice about how many fish can fit in?

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