How To Identify The Sex?


Feb 25, 2012
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Could somebody please identify my angle fish
It is impossible to tell with young angels and quite difficult to tell with mature ones. The simplest way is to wait until it pairs up with another fish and watch which one is doing what when they mate.

Just out of curiosity, and since it makes no difference in angels, why do you want to know the sex?
Because I would be interested in raising their fry
You should probably research angels a bit more then…

Putting two together will rarely result in successful spawns; you would be much better off starting with 6+, then waiting until they pick their own partners. It is always better to have more than 6, but to get as close as possible to "guaranteeing" that you have some fish of either sex, you can pick two of the larger, two medium and two of the smaller angels out of a group from one spawn. Of course, avoid runts and generally unhealthy looking ones. Basically, the male and female need to "like" each other to form a good pair, and you can't exactly make the choice for them.

Of course, you could always go for a proven breeding pair :good:
The ones what I got was in the shop a week ago, so I got them today but they don't stay with each other much so am guessing they are of the same sex
Or just not compatible. If you put a man and a woman into the same room and comeback a few hours later, they won't be mates for life and similar sort of thing applies to many cichlids (including angels). Putting a male and a female into the tank will not result in fry unless they like each other quite a bit, and even if they don't like each other and still pair up, they might just make very bad parents because they are not compatible (for example, might eat eggs, only one might do all the work, might eat fry, etc.)

Also, how big are they? Kids can't have kids, so maybe they just need to grow a bit first.

How big is the tank that you have them in and what other stock is in there? Maybe it will take a few more…

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