How To Humanely Put Down A Dwarf Gourami?

Not exactly humane, but whenever a fish of mine died healthy, i would feed it off to one of my fish-eating pets like some snake or a skink. Never a turtle as they usually shred. In this way i know he/she made a life contribution even after death.
Oh and echo that is one adorable fish :D
fluttermoth said:
I feel I ought to point out that feeding fish to other fish/turtles is illegal in the UK.

There would also be a risk of cross infection.
Uhhh.. what exactly do carnivorous fish and turtles in the UK eat then?
Great, great pic, ech0o!


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fluttermoth said:
I feel I ought to point out that feeding fish to other fish/turtles is illegal in the UK.There would also be a risk of cross infection.
Just saw this. Really? Does this apply to feeder fish or all fish in general?
Well, as far as I know, no one has been prosecuted for this, but yes; technically the law, as it stands, applies to all vertebrates. 
We don't have 'feeder fish'; certainly not advertised and sold that way.

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