How to find old posts


Fish Gatherer
Dec 6, 2003
Reaction score
Southern Ontario, Canada
Hi, I've been away for 4 or 5 years, and was hoping to look back at my old journal and a few other posts. I feel like I used to be able to find a 'user posts' in my profile, or just search my name in the search bar. Is there a way to find these?

Looking into this now.. Your old posts should show up under your profile, but it doesn't appear to be working.
It looks like the search index needs a rebuild. I've got this going and you should see that you can now search for your post history.
I have another query about previous posts.

I have just made a post a few minutes ago, and wanted to check on an older thread so I used the 'postings' tab in my profile. This shows the post I have just made at the top, then the second was from 9 Dec 2010. The same happens if I use the search box to look for my posts.

Where are all the posts I have made in the last six and a half years?

I also seem to have lost the tab for content I'm following.
The posts finally finished rebuilding, so you should see all of your posts.

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