Fish Fanatic
We have a new male betta in our community tank, and he's doing very well. The only problem is feeding him with everyone else. The LFS said that they fed primarily pellets, so I bought pellets for him. Meanwhile, I feed a variety of other foods in the tank -- tropical flake, frozen foods, algae wafers, and peas and cukes for the pleco. There are also live plants (and algae) to nibble on. Oh, and we've lost 8 ghost shrimp in the past few weeks, so someone's munching on those as well!
What is happening is that everytime I try to feed the pellets, the largest diamond tetra (who is a bit of a bully) catches most of them. The betta doesn't seem to care -- I've rarely seen him eat pellets. For a few days, I honestly didn't see him eating much of anything, but now he's munching away at the flake every time I feed it, and he's mostly ignoring the pellets (when I can get him to notice them before the tetra swoops in!). I could stop using tropical flakes and move over to betta flake, but I don't know if the rest of the tank should be fed that on a regular basis -- we've got danios, tetras, an SAE, and a pleco in there. Needless to say, when I feed the frozen foods everyone chomps those up as well, not just the betta, So I can't imagine moving to frozen as an exclusive thing either.
I obviously can't feed the betta separately from everyone else, and he does seem to be eating a variety of foods. (He's particularly crazy about the shelled peas!) Should I be concerned about the feeding situation, or should I just go with the flow and keep feeding a variety of foods? Should I exchange my regular flake for betta flake or just not stress over it?
What is happening is that everytime I try to feed the pellets, the largest diamond tetra (who is a bit of a bully) catches most of them. The betta doesn't seem to care -- I've rarely seen him eat pellets. For a few days, I honestly didn't see him eating much of anything, but now he's munching away at the flake every time I feed it, and he's mostly ignoring the pellets (when I can get him to notice them before the tetra swoops in!). I could stop using tropical flakes and move over to betta flake, but I don't know if the rest of the tank should be fed that on a regular basis -- we've got danios, tetras, an SAE, and a pleco in there. Needless to say, when I feed the frozen foods everyone chomps those up as well, not just the betta, So I can't imagine moving to frozen as an exclusive thing either.
I obviously can't feed the betta separately from everyone else, and he does seem to be eating a variety of foods. (He's particularly crazy about the shelled peas!) Should I be concerned about the feeding situation, or should I just go with the flow and keep feeding a variety of foods? Should I exchange my regular flake for betta flake or just not stress over it?