How To Deal With Stubborn People?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 6, 2013
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I see this all the time, and every time I see it, it just upsets me more and more. There are many people who believe that they can keep 5 goldfish in a bowl or a few bettas in a bowl, or a 5-6" fish that looks cool in a 10g tank, and then when people tell them that they can not, they say that the fish has not died, so it must be happy. Just because you can't immediately see the effects of it, doesn't mean the fish is happy.
[Mini-Rant Over]
What advice to you guys have for changing the minds of people like this who allow fish to suffer a horrible fate?
All we can do is try to educate them as best we can. It's unlikely you can change their minds. 
Had a situation at work where a couple of people decided to scrub the tank there (BiOrb 30L) within an inch of its life because there was some "dirt" (algae) in there and the "fish don't like it!"
Told them that over-cleaning is bad and the fish definitely wouldn't like it nor would the friendly bacteria. Was poopooed and totally ignored and the tank was filled with freezing cold water. Unfortunately most of the fish were dead or dying the next day. Then they replaced the fish before the tank had been re-cycled (since it had been scrubbed to death!) even tho I'd said it wasn't ready and then wondered why half of them died within the week.
I now have more say what happens altho I'm sure they still think I'm OTT with procedure, but the water stats are good now and the replacement fish that survived seem ok.
Some people just need harsh lessons - unfortunately it's the fish that pay the ultimate price!
You don't deal with them, you simply blank them.
It's not really a fish thing it's more everything.
Humans have to always be right about anything and will defend there point until they think there wrong or have been proven otherwise.
Tell them the information and the consequences if they continue the way they are. When it ends up the way you predict, they'll be very willing to listen to you next time.
Mamashack said:
Had a situation at work where a couple of people decided to scrub the tank there (BiOrb 30L) within an inch of its life because there was some "dirt" (algae) in there and the "fish don't like it!"
Told them that over-cleaning is bad and the fish definitely wouldn't like it nor would the friendly bacteria. Was poopooed and totally ignored and the tank was filled with freezing cold water. Unfortunately most of the fish were dead or dying the next day. Then they replaced the fish before the tank had been re-cycled (since it had been scrubbed to death!) even tho I'd said it wasn't ready and then wondered why half of them died within the week.
I now have more say what happens altho I'm sure they still think I'm OTT with procedure, but the water stats are good now and the replacement fish that survived seem ok.
Some people just need harsh lessons - unfortunately it's the fish that pay the ultimate price!
tbh, I wish there were more instances like this in a way. Fish are resilient little blighters sometimes, surviving long after the conditions turn bad, and people assume that because they're still alive, they must be okay.
Easy - don't waste your breath. You can't and won't save every fish and you'll make yourself look like a weird know it all if you butt in on a conversation you're not invited to. Save it for those that you may be able to help out - family and friends who have admired your tanks - but be ultra tactful and never criticise where your opinion hasn't actually been sought.

Basically, you may care, they probably don't and won't, they'll just give your a wide berth in future.
+1 to sadguppy
Stay calm and keep it pleasant.  If you criticise or condemn then they'll go into defensive mode and won't listen, which does the fish no favours in the long run.
Easiest solution (and whilst not the entire honest truth...)... when people ask me why.. if their goldfish that was in a bowl live until it was really old...  do they have to buy a much bigger tank with a filter and cycle it now?!
"Did your goldfish live until it was 40?"... ok so not the honest truth as goldfish in tanks will never hit 40, that said.. the common goldfish as a species are easily capable of that and it proves a point! Leaves wriggle room to then explain that whilst the goldfish lived a long time because they are tolerant... they could possibly have lived 4/5/6 times as long... was in fair? Put in really clear and fairly blunt without being brutal terms like that, they tend to think more, especially if kids pick up on it (more times than not the kids have looked horrified and announced they murdered their fish whilst adults take a LOT longer to catch on...)...
You cant win them all (god knows in retail, every win makes it worth while and its few and far between...) but all you can do is try...
There's only one sure fire way to change someone's mind........
Hold them at gunpoint.
Might lose my job
 (not that it isn't tempting of course!)
There are some that might be critical of your argumentation style TT.  I'm not saying I have a problem with it, I rarely disagree with a man and a loaded automatic weapon, but there are some that might consider your style.... extreme.
Playing devil's advocate... we all know that it is the idiots who do no research and stick 20 tetra in a non cycled 5gallon tank who keep the hobby viable for the rest of us. I'm not saying it is good for the fish, and in these days of the internet and information at your fingertips it is almost inexcusable, but consider this... if everyone stocked their tank once every 5 or 6 years when fish died of old age, never changed filter cartridges or bought medications for their dying fish, the shops would go out of business and we would all suffer. I love going to fish shops to look, but my tanks are crammed with healthy fish and I am up to my eyeballs in plants, food and other sundries so I usually leave empty handed or with a £1 bag of live food. Good for me and my fish but not very good for business!

Just something to think about next time you feel like unleashing vitriol on a complete stranger!
^ sadly, she's right. Without the idiots the fish keeping hobby would of gone bankrupt long ago.

But when it come to :fish: there's only one option for me :big_boss: .....

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