How To Catch A Large Number Of Stickle Backs From A Large Pond


Fish Fanatic
Dec 29, 2013
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hey guys stockin a pond i need a way to catch lots of stickle backs quickly to one avoid stressing fish and save time and effort any ideas guys.
the only way to mak eit easier is to drain the pond or bait them with fish food and then take em out 1 by 1
Two nets, one large, one small.

Hold the large net still and use the smaller net to 'herd' them into it.
ok thanks cant drain the large pond as its a council pond housing rainbows will try the net idea
I ought to point out that taking fish from the wild is illegal, unless you have permission from the landowner. You must also never release them back into the wild once you have them, just in case they pick up any parasites or infections from plants/decor/non-native fish etc.
i have the permission im a member of the fishing club on the lake
guppyguy1234 said:
i have the permission im a member of the fishing club on the lake
just took a walk round the lake theres loads of moss growing and i think i may get a few coldwater shrimp too

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