How Should U Setup


Fish Crazy
Jan 11, 2012
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For my oscar / JDs / pictus catfish and convict
How should i set the tank up ie sand and small rocks or sand and big rocks for hinding plus bog wood ext how would i go about making them feel most comfterble
Definitely get sand, as all the above species love to dig in it, and it'll keep the long whiskers of the catfish nice and healthy.

In regards to decorations, natural is always nicer looking and usually better for the fish, but oscars, JDs, and convicts will make themselves at home pretty much anywhere. Just keep in mind that plants may be target to uprooting, and shredding in some cases. Make sure if you get plants, get ones that root really deep like amazon swords, or some that anchor to driftwood and rocks like anubias and java ferns.
Definitely get sand, as all the above species love to dig in it, and it'll keep the long whiskers of the catfish nice and healthy.

In regards to decorations, natural is always nicer looking and usually better for the fish, but oscars, JDs, and convicts will make themselves at home pretty much anywhere. Just keep in mind that plants may be target to uprooting, and shredding in some cases. Make sure if you get plants, get ones that root really deep like amazon swords, or some that anchor to driftwood and rocks like anubias and java ferns.
Cheers great help
Re-home the pictus if I were you, my oscar tried to eat mine.

With an oscar dont bother with live plants they will be trashed. Any ornaments/wood that you use need to be heavy, oscars can move rocks quite easily.

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