How should I stock my approximate 90L fish tank


Fish Fanatic
Jan 25, 2017
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I would like to have fish as well as plants any advice?

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Could you post the dimensions of your tank and the pH and hardness of your water, please?
35x90x40cm and I dont know the ph yet I'm going to buy a testing kit next week

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You should be able to find out the approximate pH and hardness on your supplier's website.
What kind of stuff do you like? Tetras? Rasboras? I, personally, would get many small fish as opposed to a few bigger fish.
I already have another tank with small fish and would like to put in some bigger fish

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Maybe a tank for larger Gouramis? Or Tiger Barbs?
Do gouramis get along with other fish and what substrate should I put in to grow plants in?
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Do gouramis get along with other fish and what substrate should I put in to grow plants in?

Gourami species are many, and behaviours vary among them. Being quiet sedate fish, one thing is certain, they cannot be combined with active swimming fish. But until we know your water parameters this is about all we can say. Track down your municipal water authority's website and see if water data is posted. We need to know the GH (general hardness) and pH, and the KH (carbonate hardness or Alkalinity) is also useful.

As for live plants, they will grow in any substrate. A finer grain size is better, so a fine gravel or sand. Some fish need sand, so this is the best all-round substrate. A dark colour, never white. Play Sand is very inexspensive and works very well. "Easy plants" will be easier to suggest when we know the water data, but also, what is the tank lighting?

PH: 7.4
Kh: Low
Nitrate + Nitrite + ammonia = 0
This is some estimates I got from the water here hope it helps

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I would also like to have khuli loaches anything I should know and tank mates for them also will they work with gouramis

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That gets us started, but it would be better to have the actual numbers for the GH especially. "Soft" is a generic term that can mean something very different to different people. But to get a bit of a start, let's assume the GH is fairly low and the water on the soft side.

You have a number of options with soft water species, almost anything from South America and/or SE Asia will suite soft water (which in pH will likely become slightly acidic naturally). Kuhli loaches are one of those species requiring sand, and they are usually not a problem but the activity of the kuhlis especially in darkness (they are nocturnal) can stress quiet fish like gourami. But here we must consider tank size...a 90 liter is about 23 gallons, and this is not much space for the commonly-available gourami. TekFish's suggestion of shoals of smallish fish is a better way to go in this tank, as you will be able to have more variety which makes the aquarium more interesting. Many of these will be wild caught fish, so p[inning down the GH is important.

You could make a Dwarf Cichlid tank, maybe, with some Corydoras and Pencilfish?
Make sure you use sand as substrate! This is important for all bottom fish. Plants will grow anyway. Don't mix dwarf cichlids and catfish or loaches in such a small tank. Go for one species only!
The gh is >3 <4 if that helps

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