How Should I Stock My 29 Gal?


New Member
Jun 13, 2013
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I have a 29 Gallon tank that i am looking to stock with 1 or multiple predatory fish.  I understand that 29 Gallons is fairly small.  Can i get some possible stocking options.  i really like red tailed sharks how many full size RTS could i have?  just one?  also what bottom feeders are compatable with the predators?  would small crabs and lobsters be able to hold there own?  this is all freshwater as well.  
thanks for the help
If you want a predator a can suggest just getting a figure eight puffer.
if you want more fish then that, you could get a peppermint crocodile fish, a African butterfly, and a bushynose/clown pleco.
and if that still isn't enough fish then i would suggest just going wish a community tank and getting thinks like rams or gouramis and tetras, you know, the basics. There are not a lot of predators that you can stock in a 29 gallon, at least not cool ones.
How about a pair of Ceylon snakeheads? (Channa orientalis)

They will fit well in there and they are very interesting fish to keep. They also seem to fare better in poorly maintained tanks, even better if there is a soil substrate.

You can't keep anything else in there though...

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