How often do you...

Every second day. When I feed my fish everyday they seem to get fatter and I worried about the ammonia levels, so I feed them every second day. They also seem healthier this way. Well that's what I do ^__^
Every day, sometimes twice if te first feed is early enough. If I dont feed them for a day (like yesterday, doh), I dont worry but I wouldn't be happy to leave it for two or more days. They get hungry and I know that I dont like being hungry!! ^_^
my goldies everydayonce in the morning once at night ,my others every other day
every other day, but twice one time, then once the other.
i have a few tanks and feeding methods are different.
in my community tank i feed them flake in the early morning and at night i feed them a mix of dry tubifex and daphnia and every saturday and sunday i give them a bag of bloodworm(live).
The ones i breed i only give bloodworm twice a day.

But i i'll only drip feed them so to speak so they only get what they eat.
Bettas I feed 3 times a day, one pellet or bloodworm, etc per meal. Once a week I fast them.

Community tank I feed twice to three times a day, very small amounts of food per meal. Once a week they get fasted.
I feed my adult fish twice a day, but small amounts.

I'm still experimenting with the cory fry, trying to find the ideal foods, and portions to help them to grow fast and strong. Right now, I'm feeding them at least 4 times a day and they always have microworms available to them, so they can eat whenever they want. :D

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