How Much To Feed My Guppies

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Jun 21, 2012
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I have 4 guppies and everywhere I look tells me to feed different amounts and different amount of times, can someone help me please?
It is up to you. Whatever i advise other people will come rushing in saying "no feed this much this often". I feed mine how much they'll eat in a 1.5 minute period twice a day, it's better to feed little and frequent compared to lots and far apart. Make sure there's no left over food , if there is, remove it and feed less next time :good:
Personally I feed mine at 9am then 2pm then 7pm and then 10pm before I go to bed and I always do tiny pinches of flake at the mo but I have gave them the odd crushed up blood worm pellet as a treat and they seem to be doing well for me
once a day around 3pm..

I has two males and three females.. they get a pinch of either flakes or pellets depending..
I have 4 guppies and everywhere I look tells me to feed different amounts and different amount of times, can someone help me please?

feeding actually depends on everything. if you have a pregnant guppy, they should be fed more times than the average guppy. if all of these are male guppies then feeding 2 times a day will do.

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