How Much Time And Effort Go Into A Nano?

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Fish Gatherer
Dec 6, 2003
Reaction score
Southern Ontario, Canada
My LFS just posted an add for a 16 litre 'deskmate' aquarium (pictured with a pair of Rams in it :grr:) and it got me thinking about trying my hand at a nano shrimp type tank (maybe crab?). I would like fish, but I don't think my lfs really gets anything small enough. I would look at some small wood and shards of rock covered with some mosses and other dwarf type plants.

Is there a big time commitment for these tanks? I know smaller marine tanks generally need more work, but I know that's for the chemistry and salinity.

The tank looks to be open top, with a mounted light/filter combo, so I doubt the light is the greatest. CO2 would be out, ferts no problem, and I would get a nutrient rich substrate - flourite or the like.

I would like to think of it as an underwater bonsai - keep it in shape and fiddle every now and then.

Is this type of tank easy to keep for someone who is away for 3-4 days from time to time?
If the lighting is low and you can dose ferts every few days on it, like when you come home then as long as you have a timer for the lights I see no problem :).
i am a full on noob to this green side of the forum, but small tanks in general can mean more work. ammonium spikes etc happen super fast in small tanks, so more frequent water changes are often needed (but obviously dont need as much time & effort)
i am a full on noob to this green side of the forum, but small tanks in general can mean more work. ammonium spikes etc happen super fast in small tanks, so more frequent water changes are often needed (but obviously dont need as much time & effort)

This is true, although the OP doubts she'll be getting fish and the amount of ammonia shrimp generate is neglible.

Crabs wouldn't work though, they need a much more specialist setup.
Bah a well cycled small tank is as bomb proof as a large system as long as you don't do anything stupid (like wash your filter out in the dishwasher...)

Steer well clear of CO2 and high light - I went this route for a while and it's a pain in the butt.

I would suggest you use a soil substrate capped with sand or something similar. This means the majority of the nutrients that your plants will need are already in the tank under the cap. A couple of inches of good quality soil would keep a small tank growing happily for years and when it gets exhausted you'll only need to dose small amounts of ferts.

Research 'EI Natural' and 'Walstead' methods. Once set up these tanks need next to no water changes or maintenance at all.
Thanks all. I'm still deciding on if I am going to do it. It's not that expensive, but boyfriend thinks I'm nuts, and I don't even know where it would go, but isn't that true of most aquarists being sucked into a second or third? :p

Crabs wouldn't work though, they need a much more specialist setup.
Very good to know. I didn't think I would be able to find any small enough at my lfs anyway.

Steer well clear of CO2 and high light - I went this route for a while and it's a pain in the butt.
Glad to hear that. I didn't want to have to worry about that at all. I'm not doing co2 on my 55g, so I didn't want to have to get a set up for a tiny tank. The fixture on it is a 7watt LED - so almost 2 wpg... is that considered high in this instance?

Research 'EI Natural' and 'Walstead' methods. Once set up these tanks need next to no water changes or maintenance at all.
I'm familiar with EI, as I did that in my old 90g. I'm guessing the 'Natural' part makes it easier? I'll look into that for sure. I am intrigued by the wasteland style like Tom's Bucket of Mud, and think seriously about trying that (and I know boyfriend would be up for that when we get into a place of our own.)

If I can get this to be something that just needs a bit of suction (say a turkey baster) for cleanup and not much else other that evaporation top-up every couple of days, then it's exactly what I would be looking for.

Keep the ideas and suggestions coming!

Edit... apparently I was a little dyslexic last night... lol. Walstead, not wasteland. duh. Explains why I couldn't find any information.

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