How Much Food Should I Be Feeding My Mountain Cloud Minnows?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 5, 2012
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I have 5 White Mountain Cloud Minnows and im worried im not feeding them enough. I have been giving them flake good crunched up so its really tiny pieces as I wasnt sure if they could fit bigger pieces in their mouths. Should I be feeding them once or twice a day?
I have always fed mine just once a day and that's been plenty. However, I do recommend you vary their diet. They are omnivorous and like to get some small blood worms, daphnia, as well as plant based foods, sort of a mixed bag for best health.
I have freeze dried bloodworm, would they be ok? Also will they eat pellets?
They will eat the blood worms and if the pellets are small enough and slow sinking they will eat those as well though it does take a smallish pellet. Even if it's just once or twice a week they need something to spruce things up a bit in the diet. I find that feeding frozen daphnia or frozen blood worms really brings out their colors.

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