How Many?!


New Member
Aug 8, 2015
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I currently have 3 mollies ( 1-1.5 inches) in and some kind of small algae eater in a 15 gallon tank. I'm thinking of getting more mollies I just don't know how much can I get?.. I've hot a pump that filters about 1100 l per hour.. just for extra info...
Thanks hope you can help☺
Couple questons first -
Can you give dimensions of your tank size?
And do you know if your water is hard or soft?
You can find this out either by going online and searching for your local water authority and they should have some information regarding the water in your area. Or take a sample of water to LFS and they can test for gH and kH (you can do this if you have the test kits)
Only reason I ask these questions is that mollies tend to need hard water and a longish tank as they are pretty active, therefore a tank thats about 3ft long or more would be better.
I can say off the top that you do not have room for any more fish in a 15g, with the present three moliies and the "algae eater."  Mollies need space and growing to 4-6 inches means more than a 15g will provide no matter the dimensions.  And the water parameters Ch4rlie mentioned are very important for mollies.  Even as the present fish grow, trouble will appear.
The "algae eater" might be more trouble too, sorry to say; depends what species it is, as some of these grow quite large, can get nasty, and often don't eat algae by then anyway.

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